Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tamil Action Hero - Vijaykanth's Shitty Dialogues

Disclaimer: These shitty dialogues were picked up from some of Vijaykanth's movies and converted to English for us read and commit suicide upon. These are circulated on the net as PJs but they are real dialogues imparted as one liner smart alecs by Vijaykanth in his super-hit movies. Believe it or not the Tamil audience couldn't stop laughing at such atrocious 'supposed to be funny' one liners by Vijayakanth.

  1. You can become an Engineer if u study in an Engineer College,but you cannot become President if you study in Presidency college.
  2. You can expect a bus from bus stop, but not a full from full stop.
  3. A mechanical Engineer can become mechanic, but Software Engineer cannot become a software.
  4. You can find key in the keyboard but not mother in motherboard..
  5. You can study and get any certificate. But u cannot get your own death certificate
  6. You may have AIRTEL or BSNL connection but when you sneeze you will say HUTCH
  7. You can find tea in teacup. But cannot find world in a world cup

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