Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tamil Action Hero - Vijaykanth 'The Unbelievable'

Disclaimer: It is possible that one may not survive reading the grotesqueness of Vijaykanth's stunts! Therefore, I am not liable to anyone for causing grievous injury, paralytic shock or epilepsy in case of the uncontrollable laughter you may encounter while reading the compilation of human misery!

Vijaykanth the Tamil Movie Star epitomises the real 'Tamil Action Hero'. He has many firsts to his credit! Read the following - Actual stunts of Vijaykanth in many of his hit movies!

  1. Sneeze - When a normal human sneezes, the nose ejects 100s of nasal droplets...right?! Well! it is slightly different when Vijaykanth sneezes - a recently released film of his, shows Vijaykanth about to get into a brawl with at least 100 villains; before the villains could strike him, Vijaykanth sneezes......making all of them fly off in different directions and fall at least 20 meters away!!!!.....believe it!!!!
  2. Bullet - They say that a travelling bullet has enough kinetic energy to pierce a 1 inch thick steel hull and that's why companies spend millions of dollars to make Kevlar and carbon nano-tube body armor; but in one of Vijaykanth's action movies, he escapes an assassination attempt on him by stopping 100s of incoming bullets from a machine gun with an aluminium plate (which was in fact taken from a roadside beggar, who was co-incidentally sitting right next to the temple, where the assailants tried to kill him). The icing on the cake was, Vijayakanth deflecting the bullets with the same plate to kill the assailants with their own bullets!!!!!!.....believe it!!!!
  3. Forces of Nature- Vijaykanth has a close relationship with nature! Whenever Vijaykanth walks into an action scene in a Tamil Movie, there is a storm; whenever he gets angry, there is a combination of lightning..storm..earthquake; when he romances a woman one third his age, there is rain;....I wonder if the Meteorology Department is listening!
  4. Software Programming - I wonder, how many of you guys who are reading this blog are Programmers and Software Engineers. This fact which I am going to tell you about Vijaykanth will either make you dump your career in Software Development or would make you join a mental asylum. There is a movie in which Vijaykanth acts as a Software Engineer! In the movie he is making a secret project...a software for eradicating poverty....(aargghh!!!) and they show him programing on 'Windows Media Player'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .................. Believe It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Indian Penal Code - IPC (Indian Penal Code) does not apply on Vijaykanth! Yes, you heard it right! In each of his movies, you will find his character openly murdering not 1 or 2 but 100s of Corrupt Politicians, Villains and Rogues. But, not in a single movie will you find him being arrested or tried in the court of law for mass murder or genocide! I am sure 'Adolf Hitler' and his Nazi brothers would be jealous!
  6. WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - Vijaykanth's choice of weapons to destroy 100s of enemies are Aluminium Plates (for deflecting bullets), Pen (believe it or not in one of the movies he kills a lion in a jungle with a pen), Pebbles (in one of the movies he kills multiple villains by throwing pebbles at them), Bottles, Sword, Axe, Knife, Cycle Chain, Rope and Lungi (yes...he removes his own lungi to asphyxiate a villain by tying it around his neck!!!!)......God Bless Vijaykanth!
  7. Train - Once the villains managed to tie the heroine and her family to a railway line. Our Vijaykanth fights with the villains (100s of them) and beats 23.5 types of crap out of them. Meanwhile an unstoppable train zooms towards the hapless heroine and family. The main villain although maimed and bleeding manages to laugh and remind Vijaykanth that he does not have enough time to untie the family and that he will have watch them die in a matter of few seconds! Vijaykanth starts walking towards the train...everyone is shocked...guess what happens...the train comes to a screeching halt and stops right at Vijaykanth's approaching footsteps (a supernatural and divine interference) and that does not stop Vijaykanth...he continues to walk towards the train, and in fear the train starts going backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....believe it!

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