Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tamil Action Hero - Masala Movie Formula

Disclaimer: Although all my blogs are full of sarcasm, please note that all examples quoted and points mentioned in the following blog about the Action Sequences and Exploits of a Tamil Action Hero is absolutely true and are based on actual observations of the hundreds of shitty South Indian action movies that I have seen! (I watched these movies for a research on 'how not to make movies!' and for another research called '100 ways to die of laughter!')

Usually, movies involving a Tamil Action Hero (TAH) are depictions of the Super Human. So, the stories are etched in ways which help us (mere mortals) to discover the Tamil Action Hero's strengths, capabilities and exploits!

So, following are some of the Masala Movie Formulas that you would repeatedly see in Tamil Action Hero films -

Poor Man Formula - The TAH is either Poor or at best Lower Middle Class. He is one of 'them' (the Public). He represents the Poor and Aggrieved public so he ought to be an autodriver, coolie, laborer, farmer, driver, fisherman. This formula helps the TAH to connect with his audience.

Rich Man Formula - In the rare occurance of the TAH being rich, then he would be potrayed as a super rich, powerful and invincible character. But, he would be super magnanimus and extra large hearted who would do anything for the poor man. In many occasions even giving up all his wealth for the benefit of the poor villagers. He would use his moolah and might to fight the antagonist (a rich and evil feudal lord) who abuses his power to enslave the poor people to make more money!

Fat, Ugly, Loud Comedian Formula - Every TAH Movie will have a Fat, Ugly and Loud Comedian who pops out of nowhere 'uninvited' to give everyone a 'Bheja Fry' brain tumour. Usually, the comedian gets slapped by the TAH or other characters of the movie for no apparant reasons, as he is the 'Butt' of everone's 'not so funny' jokes. Tamilian's love the Slap Act! The intensity and volume of the laughter at a cinema theatre is directly proportionate to the number of slaps a comedian gets in the movie; obviously, the comedian leaves no stone unturned in creating the right situations for getting pounded on the face by everyone.

Heroine Formula - This is a simple technique to bring in variety of shades into TAH's personality. This formula makes the TAH's character multi-dimentsional and gives the director various sub-plots to work upon to entice the public. So, what are the aspects covered in the Heroine Formula? -

  1. 2 or more heroines give the director an opportunity to showcase that the ugly TAH (who is representative of the local public) is attractive to all types of women.
  2. 2 or more heroines give the director an opportunity for many item songs! (that acts as a filler, every time the movie gets boring!)
  3. Although the TAH guns for the 'twin-ponytailed shy' village belle, he is constantly bombarded by the firtatious advances of all the 'audacious scantily dressed citybred pretty' women, which makes his (screwed up) persona more attractive to the crowd.
  4. All Heroines are FAIR!! (thanks to the North Indian Bollywood imports !) - All the failed starlets of Bollywood, find a safe haven in the South Indian Film Industry; particularly Tamil Nadu, as all they look for in a female lead actor is the fairness of, the fairer you are, more are your chances of getting a movie deal! (cause you do not need to act, just be there on the screen for the cheap public to ogle at you!) be continued!

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